Karen Harrison, our clinical director, has been a passionate member of the psychotherapy community for over 24 years. Like most of us, she came into this profession because of personal experience of mental health issues in her family. Karen’s intention has always been to help as many people as she can which is why The Therapy Quarters exist.
Recently, Karen was interviewed by BBC Radio Stoke about her practice and the difficulties many people have been faced with over the COVID-19 pandemic. A recording of that interview is here:
The conversation took place on “time to talk” day – a day the nation gets together to be open to having difficult, heartfelt conversations with people around us. The aim is to reduce some of the stigmas still attached to those of us who have difficulties with our mental health. You can find out more here: https://timetotalkday.co.uk/
At the Therapy Quarters, we hold this day close to our hearts and recognise the difficulties people face finding someone who will just listen, that’s often all we need.
Often, if a loved one is suffering, we shy away from those conversations because we “don’t want to make things worse” by dwelling on the emotions that go underneath the struggle we see. Time to Talk day offers us all a space to start those conversations and listen without trying to fix anything.
If you are finding things tough at the moment, or you know someone who is, please take a look at Diana’s Quarters, where you will find downloadable resources aimed at helping you through your difficulties.
We appreciate that self-help can feel out of reach if we don’t feel like we are functioning so we encourage you to reach out to us, via the “make an enquiry” tab if you need additional support.
(Charlie Mackesy – www.charliemackesy.com)
There is a sanctuary in knowing someone else really hears how hard things are for you. We hear you. We see you. We can support you.